We would like to thank each of you who committed to pray for us concerning our decision to proceed with Colombia, we have definitely felt your prayers. We are proud to announce that we completed our pre-application with Gladney Center for Adoption for the Colombia program today. If anything has changed in the past 2 weeks, it has been that our desire to adopt from Colombia has had a snowball effect, it just gets bigger and bigger by the day. We have felt God's assurance that He will provide the way physically, emotionally, and financially. We don't have all of the answers yet, but the outpouring of support and love that we feel from you has been more than we could ever ask for. So, we are certain that we must trust God as we walk down this exciting, scary, uncertain path that will ultimately lead us to the little ones we have long prayed for.
We would also like to announce that we have created another blog, specifically dedicated to the support of our adoption. We would, as humbly as we know how, ask that you pray about how you can be involved in supporting us. If you'd like to host a fundraiser; help out with a fundraiser that I have planned; if you would like to take up a love offering at church; if you would like Blaine and I to come to your church to share about our adoption; if you would be willing (on any level) to support us, let us know. Our support blog can be found at www.supporttheminyardadoption.blogspot.com. It will also be linked to this blog.
Thank you again for your expressions of love and support. Each time we receive encouraging texts or emails it gives us a BOOST and helps us know that this adoption is possible. "for with God all things are possible." Mark 10:27
i am so excited for you two. not sure how much we'll be able to help financially...but know you have our thoughts, and more importantly, our prayers!